Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Calibrated Response

Kudos to an Iranian daily, Hamshahri, for responding with an appropriately cunning response to the Danish cartoon kerfuffle. Hamshahri is holding its own cartoon competition, and chose the most inflammatory subject they could: the Holocaust.

Of course it's insensitive, and it remains to be seen if most of the cartoons will be sympathetic to the Jews, as most of the Danish cartoons were sympathetic to Muhammad. And plenty of religious leaders are condemning the new competition, but they also condemned the Danish cartoons, so no hypocrisy done.

Global Review looks forward to seeing the results of the Iranian rebuttal. Hat tip to Drudge.


Macro Guy said...

P.S. If you think a proper and sympathetic Holocaust cartoon is impossible, you haven't read Maus by Art Spiegelman

Anonymous said...

you gotta check out these cartoons a few of them are pretty hysterical the rest are mildly entertaining but still enjoyable

