Monday, May 8, 2006


I honestly don't know whether to add my friend Steve's new "blog" to the blogroll. On the one hand, he's a good fella, even if he does tend to ramble on about his Korean War service sometimes, and has well-expressed opinions. On the other hand, his blog is on MySpace, which means he'll probably be sexually harassed by some grody old bureaucrat. Worse, it means that I (not being a grody old bureaucrat) can't comment on his blog without giving my everliving soul and 'net info to MySpace, which will immediately pass it on to several judiciously selected deviants. What's more, MySpace doesn't apparently allow him an external blogroll, thus violating the Third Axiom of Blogging, and making him incapable of link reciprocation.

Zero 'Kudos' to Steve for selecting an insular web "community" to blog in. My advice: cut bait and switch to a decent host while you still can.


Anonymous said...

salim!!!! check your email asap!!! I need your advice on which place to pick in DC.

Mike said...

Korean war? If we are talking about the same Steve, I would have guessed the Civil War..

Anonymous said...

Hey... at my age, be thankful I learned how to use this new-fangled "Internets" thingy.

If I get this thing running and it looks like something I'll do with regularity, I may join the wonderous world of blogspot, much like my close, personal friend, Mr. Global "Chops" Review.