Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Run! Fred Thompson Will.

Breaking news from WaPo: Fred Dalton Thompson is almost ready to launch his run for the Republican nomination for president. In a story posted an hour ago on the WaPo website, an anonymous source ratted Thompson out: he had a private conference call with his closest allies, who may not be as trustworthy as he believed.

According to the source, the startup operation will involve each fundraiser finding 10 couples willing to donate the legal maximum of $4,600. Once this money arrives, Thompson will open office space and a website and burst onto the scene. Of course, with the porousness of sources, he's actually been leaking onto the scene since early March, but that's no matter: the newspapers will gleefully cover his choreographed announcement in 10 days or so.

Global Review thinks Fred Thompson is more qualified than, say, Barbra Streisand to be president. He has, for instance, played presidents on TV. He has proven ability to work with both parties; actually, to work as both parties: he's played both Ulysses S. Grant and Andrew Jackson. He has ample experience in the military and espionage, crucial in wartime. His credentials (er, credits) include Lt. Colonel, Maj. General, Rear Admiral, Court-Martial Captain, FBI Agent, and CIA Director. In addition, he can certainly say that he's the candidate with the best Law and Order credentials.

In all seriousness, though Mr. Thompson brings to the race a presidential voice and bearing as well as inside connections in Hollywood, Nashville, and Washington, he seems to have little in terms of executive experience or legislative prowess. As a Senator he did chase women and didn't author legislation.

Republicans looking for the next Ronald Reagan should look for substantive resemblances, not the superficial ones that Thompson obviously embodies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Re: "President Thompson"
Any member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and a Visiting Fellow with the American Enterprise Institute, cannot have your best interests at heart. Although one who is not a President, but can play one on TV, would certainly fit the bill.