Monday, January 30, 2006

Cover Girls and Boys

"Meet the Nowlands" invites the cover of the Eagle-Tribune. I already have - they're good friends of my family.

Most of the article is Matt, Kebbi and the reporter trying to explain why the Nowlands aren't crazy. If the novelty factor weren't so strong, I think, the story would have been much more interesting: according to Arricka, the reporter spent 13 hours with the family! As it is, "a day in the life" type material gets short shrift, and most of the story reads like an apologetic. I submit that a better author could have made the same points more convincingly by describing rather than quoting the family at length.


DAVID W. said...

There are two articles. The second article is all about what life with the Nowlands is like; it is pretty hysterical at parts...

Macro Guy said...

Man, looks like they yanked both stories; not only aren't they on the news page, but the paper doesn't seem to keep an archive.