Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Student Poets: Khadija Aamari

This is the second poem by Khadija to be published in this series. The literary depth is astounding for a poem written originally in a second language. Her analogies to the story of the first sin, as told in both the Koranic and Biblical accounts, give this poem a host of meanings. When she first showed it to me, I first corrected the grammar and spelling, and then wrote 500 words interpreting the poem as an unitiated reader! Not only does she echo the fall and curse of man, but she ends her poem - intentionally or unintentionally - twisting the Noahic blessing into a curse. This poem gives me the heebie-jeebies.


I taught you the secrets of women
And I sat you in the seat of command
For you will be president of an empire of women
And you will love to die a martyr

But you didn’t succeed
Because you were a tyrant
And the world wept because of you
A sad story
For you I made black flowers
My tears changed to thorns
They don’t water anyone
Because they are poison
It kills me slowly, slowly
It hurts me, without sympathy
I don’t know what I did
But I know I erred
When I taught you the secrets of women
When I gave you the key to command women
When I planned for you the future

To Indian music
Snakes were dancing
And you changed me to a snake
Didn’t dance, or sing, or talk
But dreamt
Of becoming a beautiful flower
Growing in fields scorched
By you
But I won’t complain
Because I know My God is Just
And one day
I will take my right
And you will be a worthless snake
Without power
Or poison
And you will die under
My shoes
Because of your injustice
I will show you day stars
And night sun
I will show you cold in summer
And heat in winter

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