Monday, March 10, 2008

Chavez y FARC

In OpJo today, Mary Anastasia O'Grady has a chilling summary of the recent exposure of official ties between Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and the terrorist organization FARC.
Colombia's precision air strike 10 days ago, on a guerrilla camp across the border in Ecuador, killed rebel leader Raúl Reyes. That was big. But the capture of his computer may turn out to be a far more important development in Colombia's struggle to preserve its democracy... Mr. Chávez is said to have been visibly distressed when told of the death of Reyes, a man he clearly admired. He also may have realized that he played a role in his hero's death, since it was later reported that the Colombian military had located the camp by intercepting a phone call to Reyes from the Venezuelan president...

When Viktor Bout, allegedly one of the world's most notorious arms traffickers, was arrested in Thailand on Thursday, the Spanish-language press reported that he was located thanks to the Reyes computer files.
It's good to see Mr. Reyes dead, and even better to see Mr. Chávez shamed publicly. Perhaps this will temper the 'revolutionary spirit' for overthrowing Latin American democracies.

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