What could be better than
Annie Leibovitz and Queen Elizabeth II scuffling over artistic control? For one, the fact that Her Majesty's press secretary and troubleshooter has the monumentally apropos handle of 'Dickie Arbiter'. He's a
dicky arbiter indeed.
Also, one of Ms. Leibovitz's photos (pinched from the Daily Mail):
Anyone who disses Annie Leibovitz is alright by me. Especially when she looks like my grandmother.
P.S. I think Annie Leibovitz is trying to create a camp portrait of George III with that silver flip of a hairdo and the cape. Her Highness should have kept her crown on.
Yeah, that hair does look remarkably George-III-ish. Except with Her Majesty it's not a wig.
I like the photo because it casts QEII into a martial, regal tradition. The clouds and trees have this "death of an empire" look, and if only Her Majesty were an aging square-jawed monarch of the male persuasion and were looking past the camera into middle distance... and carrying a marred sword... the effect would be complete.
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