Friday, April 27, 2007

Tenet's Puzzle

In his terse style, Drudge reports on a new 'tell-all' book from former CIA Director George Tenet:
BOOK: Tenet expresses puzzlement that al-Qaida has not sent 'suicide bombers to cause chaos in a half-dozen American shopping malls on any given day'... He writes: 'al-Qaida is here and waiting'
Tenet can't figure out why Al-Qaeda hasn't hit American targets again. Hmm, let's think about this. They hit us in 1993; we did nothing. They hit us in 1998; we did very little. They hit us in 2000; we did nothing. Then they hit us in 2001; and we responded with a long war against the Al-Qaeda structure, its friends, and its fellow travelers.

At this point, Al-Qaeda wants badly to win in Iraq and to carve out a statelet in Afghanistan or Pakistan wherewith to rebuild. They can accomplish this, obviously, by killing people in Baghdad and Kabul, raising the cost of the war to the U.S. prohibitively.

Imagine if instead, Al-Qaeda blew up a shopping mall or a subway car in the U.S. That would be child's play for them. But it would also coalesce American opinion behind the war effort like never before. Sure, there would be some leftist naysayers claiming that this is proof positive that we should retreat posthaste. But the majority of the American people would be convinced that the only way we can guarantee our safety - abroad and at home - is to kill every last living jihadi.


Anonymous said...

I would like to agree with you as this opinion of yours clearly makes sense. Al-Qaeda gains little by assailing American's at home with what you have clearly pointed out to be child's play like activities involving mere suicide bombings. Coalescing American resolve against their cause when American's are ignorantly imagining that they are not under threat would be a foolish move. Instead Al-Qaeda's next moves here will likely involve a massive strike - most likely nuclear, biological, followed with non-stop suicide bombings nation-wide. Such attacks could likely bring America to its knees, as a race-war would not be far off as xenophobia sets in as well as the incredible damage to the economy causes mass starvation and layoffs.

The damage to the American economy will in turn destroy the world’s economies and ruling structures, opening the door for extremist religious doctrines and rule, splintering governments into local-states interested only in securing their own borders. This reactive state is almost certain as fear will abound, many will die from internal as well as external forces and factors. Truly an Armageddon awaits us all, without question, and you have the likes of our current leadership to thank. Their inability to close our borders has most certainly allowed terrorist groups to smuggle nuclear weapons into this country, Bin-Laden has been orchestrating the American Hiroshima for some time – Google it – and we will all pay the price for our leadership’s willingness to shake hands with devils for political and financial gain.

I try not to think about it to be honest. As a dark-complected Italian American living in the lily-white state of Minnesota I will almost certainly be a target for blind retribution for someone whom mistakes me for an Arab. It is funny for me to think that my entire heritage is European, my family ties to America date back to pre-revolutionary war times. My ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War as well as many of our nations wars since and yet our blind rage against those of Mediterranean/middle eastern appearance will almost certainly affect me personally. I have been called a sand-nigger on occasion, usually by some jackass and almost always under his breath as so not to potentially engender my “wrath”. I can only imagine what horrors the destruction of this nations major cities will bring not only to us as Americans, but selfishly, to me.

God bless and protect us all, as we will most certainly need it in the days ahead.

Macro Guy said...

Dude, you need to relax. There's a big gap between "layoffs" and "mass starvation". Maybe if you spent some time in countries where they really did have huge humanitarian crises, you'd see that large-scale death, as awful as it is, is not the End Of The World (TM).

A "Hiroshima" in the U.S. probably wouldn't be much worse than the original. To be avoided, certainly, but the end of the nation/economic system/world? Nope. Japan and Germany, in case you hadn't noticed, recovered quite nicely from annihilations far worse than Al-Qaeda is capable of dealing out.

So, please, seriously: relax. Gain some perspective. Take a deep breath. Al-Qaeda probably won't be able to inflict anything much worse than 9/11 on this country, and even if they do, we'll bounce right back and the world will keep spinning.